Here is just a selection of our home learning bags Home learning bags can be an important and useful extension to your child’s learning which you can use at home. Below is just a range of what we have that you can borrow. Please ask. Goldilocks and the three bearsGoldilocks and the three bears 10 little princess (2)10 little princesses GruffaloGruffalo phonicsPhonics fine motor (2)fine motor skills Chatty BattyChatty bat emotionsemotions Maths Big and SmallMaths Big and small dinasour loves underpantsdinosaurs love underpants the hungry caterpillarThe Hungry Caterpillar people who help uspeople that help us similarites and differences around the worldaround the world clipclocs picnicClipclop’s picnic Role Play (2)role play colours and shapescolours and shapes bugsBugs our body (3)Our body shoppingfood Moo (3)Moo Maths higher (2)Maths maths lowerMaths